BiostealthAI is proud to announce we've successfully been selected for the Product Growth Programme powered by Barclays Eagle Labs, funded by the UK Government and delivered by Plexal.
We're looking forward to participating in the three-month programme, during which we'll be gaining support on our growth journey whilst meeting with mentors, industry experts, investors, potential customers and, of course, our fellow cohort members.
Stay tuned for more updates as the programme progresses!
About BiostealthAI
BiostealthAI was established by innovator Israel Gbati and respiratory health advocate Georgios Papanikolaou, in a bid to monitor health 100% silently and continuously, detecting early symptoms of life-threatening ’silent killers’ as they begin to develop. With the emergence of high-processing-power chips, and advanced miniaturised sensor technology the time has arrived for Touchable® technology to enter our lives. Touchables™ are a new generation of medical-grade, health monitoring objects, seamlessly integrated into everyday living, that perform continuous, non-invasive health monitoring, without the need to wear a device, turn it on, put it to charge, or even think about it.